May 20, 2004

In Need of Unraveling...

Man. I have been feeling minor stresses starting to accumulate in the back of my head, neck and mind - pretty much all over.

Maybe my life of relative psychic leisure (meaning that I am usually a peaceful and sedate guy) has left me with a weakened immunity to the stresses of everyday life.

It's weird. Like at work, during a recent meeting, I felt frustration building inside me; I felt tired and impatient. I just wanted to go back to my desk, work by myself and not deal with other people. It's nobody's fault. I suppose that my tolerance for miniscule changes in my circumstances or expectations is really low right now. I think I used to be much better at dealing with unknown factors or unforeseen changes to my tasks or priorities.

Hell - ten years working for small high-tech startups will get you used to that sort of thing.

I'm also suffering from a bit of PC/Internet withdrawal, as my Windows 98 box has recently decided to only boot to MSDOS. What a pain. I'm certain I'll sort it out, but in the meantime, it only adds to my stress and reminds me of what a funny little techno-junkie I have become...

I think I need to do some meditation or something... I need a better perspective...

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